in News
To All of Our Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Friends,
I join with Judith Bessette in welcoming you to our new website. We’re pleased to present it to you in time for Jack’s 99th Birthday!
The site was designed by Brian Bahia of Lowell’s Stellar Web Studios. He did a wonderful job for us and we thank him for it. It’s great to have Kirk Kittell, John McDermott, and Mike Flynn as our website team. Thank you one and all.
We could use your help in defraying the costs of getting it in place. With the non-profit break we were given by Brian (thanks Brian!) our costs came to $3500.00. If you could hep us cut into that very fair price, we at LCK would greatly appreciate it.
You can access our Pay Pal link on this website by clicking on “Donations.” Thanks in advance for any help you can give us.
Stay tuned for plans we’re making for an on-site Festival this October when we’ll be “Back with Jack in Lowell”!