in News
Greetings to our LCK Friends near and far:
Like countless institutions, organizations, groups, and individuals, we who make up the Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Committee find ourselves dealing with a wide array of unknowns, uncertainties, and “what ifs” brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic crisis. We do so in a State (Massachusetts) that currently ranks third, behind New York and New Jersey, in recorded cases of COVID-19.
Our scheduled dates for the Annual 2020 Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Festival are October 8-12. Our plans are going forward for the usual series of events we offer each year: Music, Poetry, Open Mics, Tours, Thematic Presentations, The Parker Lecture, and more—all along with the great fun and human interaction that goes with these gatherings.
Even as we make our plans, we are keenly aware of our need to keep close watch on how this pandemic continues to play out. Over the next couple of months—between now and mid-June—we are hoping to gain enough sufficient and reliable information to allow us to make a determination as to whether our Festival can be safely held. Some of that will depend upon what kind of access will be permitted to the various locales where our events take place.
Meantime we ask you to keep faith with us as we keep faith with you. We have every hope and desire to once again open up our wonderful City of Lowell to celebrate the life and legacy of Jack Kerouac. We will keep you as informed and up-to-date as possible in the weeks ahead, knowing it is our intention to welcome you to Lowell in early October.
The Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Committee.