in News

After careful consideration and deliberation, the Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Committee, at our June 18, 2020 meeting, voted to cancel our annual Festival this fall as scheduled for October 8-12.
By “cancel” we mean that no on-site events will be held in the way they have been traditionally done. We are exploring ways of offering virtual events by means of our LCK website that is currently undergoing a major upgrade. We will keep our LCK friends and followers apprised of this as our planning goes forward.
As the October dates get closer there is a possibility that we might be able to offer, on a limited basis, some small-scale events: Walking tours, small group gatherings, art exhibits, etc. This will only be done, however, should safety concerns permit. Here again, we will keep our friends and followers apprised.
We regret that we will not be seeing so many of our faithful attendees, as well as newcomers, this fall. But we do not want to subject anyone to undue risks from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Let’s hope for, and aim for, being back in Lowell in 2121!
All best wishes from the Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Committee.