Happy 99th Jack – A Virtual Celebration
As was the case with our annual festival back in October, we on the LCK Committee will not be holding an on-site Birthday Celebration of Jack Kerouac’s 99th due to the ongoing COVID pandemic. We still need to keep everybody safe.
As Jack’s birthday approaches this year, however, we are pleased to roll out our new website! As you’ll see, we have 3 *virtual events, listed under the videos section, to offer as the website makes it debut:
*A tribute to Alan Crane whom we lost this past year, suddenly.
*A tour of the Kerouac Sites of Nashua, New Hampshire led by Steve Edington.
*A Kerouac themed art exhibit, including paintings by Judith Bessette and photographs by Paul Bessette (thanks to Dracut Access TV).
Looking ahead we are planning for an on-site Festival in October while also keeping a watchful eye on what develops with the pandemic in the upcoming months.
And be aware as well that plans are in the works for an ongoing celebration of Jack’s 100th Birthday in 2022 A number of civic, educational, cultural,, artistic, and musical related groups and organizations in Lowell are coming together for what promises to be a Centennial that will do Jack proud!